Autism and the Accessible Arts
I’d really like to take my child to see a performance at an arts venue but don’t know how to make this a successful experience for them, and for me.
The Importance of “Becoming Me”
The learning styles of individuals with Autism means that teaching concepts and skills in managing their sexuality, using typical strategies such as theory based lessons and reading materials, [...]
Practical Tips for supporting Alternative and Augmentative Communication
The implementation and use of AAC in any context is something that requires careful planning, consideration, flexibility, motivation and a positive attitude.
Guerrilla Gardening
Gardening aids learning, contribution, engagement & participation and the skills are transferable into home and work environs.
TD Social Skills: YouTube Channel
Free resources with short videos, which highlight key social exchanges using role play.
Motivated by Music
My Teenager Still Only Likes Wiggles Music! For children with autism, this music may have provided a sense of security and wellbeing during their early and often very confusing years.