Introduction and ownership of a communication system
When introducing a communication system to a student, the concept of ownership is an important factor that comes up. Essentially the communication system belongs to the student or individual for [...]
Practical Tips for supporting Alternative and Augmentative Communication
The implementation and use of AAC in any context is something that requires careful planning, consideration, flexibility, motivation and a positive attitude.
Types of Alternative and Augmentative Communication
With so many new devices and systems being advertised on the market, the world of AAC can be daunting and difficult to navigate. Here is quick guide as to the different categories of AAC and [...]
The importance of being a multi modal communicator
Competent communicators have this wonderful tool bag of strategies and different ways to communicate.
In their Shoes
One of the best things we can do is to try and put ourselves in the shoes of our students and children.
APP Review & Assessment
The APP world is extraordinary and exciting. Unfortunately there is no ‘one size fits all’ app, and it takes some careful assessment to determine what might be most suitable for an individual.